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Teen Court Campaign

Welcome to the Alachua County Teen Court Campaign website. This website contains information about Alachua County's Teen Court, how to get involved and promotes the power of restorative justice. This program allows teens to have a second chance, take responsibility for their actions, learn from their mistakes and make amends to the community and people who were affected by their actions. 


Through this campaign, our hopes are for you to join us in advocating for restorative justice practices for the youth and to understand how having a more compassionate and effective approach when addressing juvenile crime can be beneficial for the entire community. 

Interested in becoming an adult or teen volunteer? Click here to learn more about the volunteer opportunities.


Volunteer interest forms can be filled out here.

The mission of Alachua County's Teen Court is to serve as a diversion program for youth offenders that have committed certain crimes. This campaign specifically serves as a way to get more people involved and aware on how restorative programs such as teen court can eliminate issues of mass incarceration. Click here to learn more about the mission of the program and campaign. 

Alachua County Teen Court

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